Our Impact
Gifts to the Ascension St. Vincent Foundation help transform care for patients and families served at Ascension St. Vincent. Over the past year, gifts have helped support and encourage frontline caregivers, allowed for the increased use of creative arts therapies to reduce anxiety and improve patient outcomes, provided a home-away-from-home at the Ascension St. Vincent House for hundreds of families of patients from outside Indiana, and much more. Learn about your most recent impact in the 2023 Annual Report.

Ascension St. Vincent Foundation Priority Areas

Current Highlights

•  Learn how you can Care for Tomorrow and the role the Foundation is playing in the new Women & Children's Tower at Ascension St. Vincent expected to open in 2024. 

•  100% of your donations are tax-deductible. Make a gift in 2024 here.  

•  Your gifts matter! Read the latest Impact Report to learn more about the donor impact on important programs and services at Ascension St. Vincent through through support of our donors.

•  Share your gratitude and honor a special caregiver in a way that is unique and meaningful to you. Learn more here.

•  Interested in leaving a lasting legacy? Learn how here