Trinity Behavioral Health Clinic patient benefits from art therapy

Trinity Behavioral Health Clinic outpatient therapist Cynthia Rosenbach identified the importance of creating art during a recent patient session.

Rose was depressed and had not pursued her hobby of creating artwork for sometime. Cynthia integrated art therapy into her sessions with Rose and witnessed her mood improve significantly. Rose is now creating art at home and has sold some of her work. Therapists are increasingly adding art therapy into their group sessions and the art is displayed throughout the clinic. The art cart and supplies were made possible through generous donations made by donors to the Ascension St. Vincent Kokomo Foundation - Trinity Behavioral Health Clinic fund.

This spring, Trinity Behavioral Health Clinic’s inpatient area, which includes patient rooms, a group therapy room, and the day area used for group activities, will undergo a much needed update and the addition of an outdoor space for patients. Contact Nancy Anderson at for donor naming opportunities.