Healing Arts
Your support continues holistic healing as we fight COVID-19
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Read the latest news from the Healing Arts Program here!
You make programs that enhance patient experience for those being treated and served by the healthcare ministries of Ascension St. Vincent possible!
Many of these programs have taken on increasingly important roles in recent weeks and months due to visitor restrictions and other necessary precautions taken to limit the spread of COVID-19.
The Healing Arts Program (funded by donors like you!) is a prime example of a program that has stepped up to provide additional services by expanding its normal efforts to support holistic healing through visual art, music, and movement. Examples include Positivity Boards that bring color, encouraging messages, and uplifting information to patient units across the Ascension St. Vincent Indianapolis campus. The program even developed a fun “Sneeze, Blow, and Throw” song that helps teach hospitalized children the ways to keep themselves and other people safe when they sneeze or cough.
The Healing Arts program has also created a project to help comfort families who have lost loved ones to COVID-19. The Legacy Print Protocol is completed either before or after a patient’s passing and includes a digital thumbprint that is shared with family along with outpatient bereavement and grief counseling. These prints can be shared with other family members who were not permitted entry to the hospital during the patient’s passing and kept as a lasting memory of their loved one. This program was featured recently on the “All In” podcast produced by
WFYI (https://www.wfyi.org/programs/all-in/radio/The-Friday-Pitch-In-05-08-2020).
In addition to helping patients, Healing Arts Program initiatives are also supporting Ascension St. Vincent associates through activities that provide encouragement and stress relief. Along with Ascension St. Vincent spiritual care teams, the Healing Arts Program has been part of a new “Code Lavender” protocol. Code Lavender was created to provide focused support for associates when they have been involved in a stressful event at the hospital. Carts have been placed in units and include items such as art materials, aromatherapy, scripture, meditation guides, deep breathing exercises, and resources for virtual support.
Your donations make all the difference. To learn more about programs in need of your continued support visit give.stvincent.org.