New mural aids in young patients recovery

Postoperative pediatric patients are recovering in a room designed to instill happiness and relaxation through the healing art of distraction therapy.

The city of Anderson inspired room features characters, animals and a caricature image of Anderson icon Larry "Can Man" Van Ness, known for collecting over 27 million pull tabs for children’s charities, in an “I-SPY” style game inside the room, where patients can search for recycling symbols and city-related icons hidden around the parkscape; all made possible thanks to the generous donation of the Dreamakur organization.

“The PACU mural has been an exciting and fun adventure for our pediatric patients during their postoperative stay with us. We have seen patients engage with their parents in exploring the wall and finding the "hidden" objects. Our PACU nurses believe this is helping the post op recovery phase by giving the children something fun to do until it is time for them to be discharged. We feel very fortunate to have been the recipient of this generous gift!” -Kim Muzzarelli, RN, Surgery Manager